研究論文 Research Article
身體: 女性主義視覺藝術在再現上的終極矛盾 / 王雅各(國立中興大學社會系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Body:The Ultimate Paradox of Representation in Feminist Visual Art / Ya Ko Wang(Department of Sociology, ChungHsing University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
台灣全球化過程中的女性專業人士: 後殖民主義對中國反思的起點 / 石之瑜(台灣大學政治學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Responding to Globalization: Taiwanese Professional Women in Postcolonial—Feminist China Studies / Chih-Yu Shih(Department of Political Science, Taiwan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
社區婦女教育目標之發展及其爭議點之探討 / 王順美(國立台灣師範大學環境教育研究所 )、周如芬(省立中壢家事商業職業學校) (摘要) (全文下載)
The Objectives and Controversy of Environmental Education for Women in the Community / Shun-Mei Wang (Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, Taiwan Normal University)、Ru-Fen Chou(Chung-Li Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School) (Abstract) (Full Text)
子宮切除前醫師告知內容之研究 / 張菊惠(台灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生研究所)、胡幼慧(陽明大學醫學院衛生福利研究所)、張玨(台灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)
Physician's Inform on Hysterectomy / Chu-Hui Chang(Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University)、Yow-Hwey Hu (Institute of Health and Welfare Plolicy, College of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University)、Chueh Chang(Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
婦女健康與「醫療化」:以停經期╱更年期為例 / 張玨 (Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University)、張菊惠(Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University) (摘要) (全文下載)
Medicalization of Women's Health: Menopause/climacteric as an Example / Chueh Chang (Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University)、Chu-hui Chang(Institute of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
性別關係建構的科技職場 / 顏祥鸞(中正大學勞工系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Gender Construction in the High-Tech Workplace / Shang-luan Yan(Department of Labor Relations,National Chung Cheng University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
性別與教育期望 / 謝小芩(國立清華大學通識教育中心) (摘要) (全文下載)
Gender and Educational Expectation / Hsieh, Hsiao-chin (Center For General Education, National Tsing Hua University) (Abstract) (Full Text)