編輯報告 Words From the Editor
編輯報告 / 鄭毓瑜(女學學誌主編)、成令方(女學學詩書評主編) (全文) (全文下載)
本期專題:校園空間的性別經驗 Research Article
宰制與抗拒:一所科技主導之大學校園所做的性別觀察 / 陳芬苓(元智大學社會系)、張盈堃(美國威斯康辛大學課程與教學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Domination and Resistance: A Gender/Sexual Ethnographic Study of the Space in an Engineering University / Fen-Ling Chen(Department of Sociology Yuan Ze University)、Ying-Kwun Chang(Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Wisconsin-Madison) (Abstract) (Full Text)
女教師與女學生的空間識覺研究:以高雄市的高中為例 / 黃惠琴(高雄市立三民高級中學) (摘要) (全文下載)
Spatial Perceptions of Female Teachers and Students on Campuses: Case Studies of Three Senior High Schools in Kaohsiung / Hui-Chin Huang(Kaohsiung Municipal Sanmin Senior High School) (Abstract) (Full Text)
從性別角度探討偏遠地區學童的網頁製作 / 林宇玲(世新大學新聞學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Learning to Design a Homepage in a Remote Elementary School: A Case Study of Elementary School Pupils from a Gender Perspective / Yu-Ling Lin(Department of Journalism Shih Hsin University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究論文 Research Article
依靠與平等:論Kittay愛的勞動 / 吳秀瑾(中正大學哲學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Dependency and Equality: On Kittay’s Love’s Labor / Shiu-Ching Wu(Department of Philosophy National Chung Cheng Univiersity) (Abstract) (Full Text)
台灣天主教傳教協進會中女性地位之研究:新竹市的個案分析 / 張世澤(北台科學技術學院通識教育中心) (摘要) (全文下載)
Women’s Place in Taiwan Catholic Council of the Lay Apostolate: A Case Study from Hsinchu City / Shih-Tse Chang(Northern Taiwan Institute of Science and Technology General Education Center) (Abstract) (Full Text)
書評書介 Book Review
評介邱琡雯:《性別與移動:日本與台灣的亞洲新娘》 / 林津如(高雄醫學大學性別研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)