幸福永遠不會到來?— 維多利亞‧托克列娃作品中的「追尋」主題 / 劉心華(國立政治大學俄國語文學系副教授) (摘要) (全文下載)
Happy Never After?—The Searching Topic in the Short Stories of Victoria Tokareva / Liu, Shin-Hwa(Associate professor, Department of Russian Literature at National Chengchi University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
瑪麗‧卡迪娜和安妮‧艾諾的自傳小說/創作言說 / 莊子秀(暨南國際大學外國語文學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Fiction of autobiography/Autobiography of fiction / Tzu-Shiow Chuang(Department of Foreign Languages and Literature National Chi Nan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究論文 Research Article
璐易思‧瑪芮vs.茱蒂思‧巴特勒──兩種女性主義社會建構的身體觀 / 吳秀瑾(國立中正大學哲學系助理教授) (摘要) (全文下載)
Debates between Lois McNay and Judith Butler on Feminist’s Body Politics / Shiu-Ching Wu (Department of Philosophy National Chung Cheng University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
性別與權力:對希伯來聖經之律法的女性主義閱讀與詮釋 / 田海華(四川成都四川大學宗教所副教授) (摘要) (全文下載)
Gender and Power: Feminist Reading and Interpretation on the Biblical Law / Hai-Hua Tian(Institute of Religious Studies Sichuan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)