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另一方面,在文化的領域上,國家仍堅持傳統的性別刻板印象。雖然蘇聯社會極力改善各行各業的性別歧視,但在文學上卻沒有改變。作為女性作家,很容易就被認定放棄”內在 ”的女性特質。因此,「女性文學」和「女性作家」的措辭,直覺上就有輕蔑或含糊之意,所以許多優秀的當代女作家極力撇清「女性作家」的稱號,避免被貼上「女性文學」的標籤。一方面,她們否認依性別分類文學的正當性與實用性。另一方面,她們反對將這種文學種類貶抑為粗糙膚淺和過渡充滿愛情故事的文學。維多利亞‧托克列娃(Виктория Токарева, 1937-)就是這些女性作家的其中之一。


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Title |

Happy Never After?—The Searching Topic in the Short Stories of Victoria Tokareva

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Liu, Shin-Hwa(Associate professor, Department of Russian Literature at National Chengchi University)

Abstract |

In the turning of the 19-20 century, many events occurred in Russia: rapid modernization, popularity of education, social reconstruction, revolution and war. Under the circumstances, Russian women were obligated to take both men’s and women’s burden and tasks. The upshot of these historical impacts would be a re-evaluation of women’s characters and role in the society.

Since the Soviet assumed the reins, Russian women have been urged to join the labor force, to fight in battles and to bear livelihood, meanwhile, they are also requested to retain traditional female tenderness. As confronting a dual pressure in working and livelihood, Russian women would repel this ideal image.

Although the Soviet promulgates to remove gender discriminations, it still continued stiff idea on traditional women, especially in the literature. If a writer is attributes to “female writers”, she/he might easily be regarded as one who disfavors or discontents with the women character in nature; the terms of “female literature” or “female writers” to some extent implicates pejorative meaning. Many contemporary distinctive writers and their works have avoided the appellation of “female writers” and “female literature”. Not only do they object to classify the literature by gender, but they don’t regard “female literature” as one of rugged, shallow, and passionate histories. Tokareva (1937–) is the example in point.

In spite that most Tokareva’s works are still women-centric, she articulates that they are also men-oriented. Many of her works take the subject of women’s struggle for self-esteem in the real life as their themes. Her writing style is humorous and metaphorical. The protagonists of her works are often lingering on illusion and reality. They have persistently been pursuing ideal in the real life; nevertheless, they are always depressed in searching for their aspirations. Could the upshot be like that of the fairy tales: “Hereafter, the prince and princess live happily forever.”? The paper will probe into Tokareva’s works in various span of time, and evaluate their values in the literature.

Keywords |

female literature, literature of everyday life, revisionism, mass literature.


幸福永遠不會到來?— 維多利亞‧托克列娃作品中的「追尋」主題