論著 Book Review
坐月子的人類學探討: 醫療功能與文化詮釋的關係 / 翁玲玲(中央研究所民族學研究所研究助理) (摘要) (全文下載)
An Anthropological Investigation of Traditional Chinese Post-natal Care: The Interrelation between Recuperative Function and Cultural Meaning. / Ling-ling Wong(Research Assistant, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) (Abstract) (Full Text)
女無外事? –墓誌碑銘中所見之北宋士大夫社會秩序理念 / 劉靜貞(東吳大學歷史系) (摘要) (全文下載)
WITHIN THE HOME The Depiction of / Ching-cheng Liu(History Department, Soochow University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
六朝婦女生活 / 李貞德(中央研究院歷史語言研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)
The Life of Women in the Six Dynasties / Jen-Der Lee(Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) (Abstract) (Full Text)
競爭式的同化: 美國兩所天主教大學校區內的學生女權主義者 / 王雅各(中興大學社會學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Contested Accommodation:Student Feminist at Two Catholic Campuses / Ya Ko Wang(Department of Sociology, National Chung Hsing University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
成長於上海第三女子中學–你知道她們的所思所想嗎? / Heidi Ross(Education Department, Colgate University) (摘要) (全文下載)
Growing Up in a Chinese Secondary School for Girls:"Do You want to know what I think or what I really think?" / Heidi Ross(Education Department, Colgate University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
已婚婦女之性別角色態度與就業之關係–底特律區域研究 / 呂玉瑕(中央研究院民族學研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)
Sex-role Attitudes and the Employment of Married Women — A Detroit Area Study / Yu Hsia Lu(Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) (Abstract) (Full Text)
女人和男人的工作與家庭–攸關時間 / 徐宗國(中興大學社會系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Women and Men's Work & Family— Concerning Time / Tsung-kuo Hsu(Department of Sociology, National Chung Hsing University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
親密關係的衝突化解歷程 / 劉惠琴(東吳大學心理系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Conflict Resolution Processes in Close Relationships / Whei-ching Liu(Psychology Department, Soochow University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究討論 Review Article
後現代主義,女性主義及其爭論 / 任海(美國華盛頓大學人類學系博士班) (摘要) (全文下載)
Postmodernism, Feminism, and Their Debate / Hai Ren(Ph. D. student, Department of Anthropology, University of Washingtoin,U.S.A) (Abstract) (Full Text)
女性更年期研究的回顧與展望 / 張玨(台灣大學公共衛生研究所)、陳芬苓(台灣大學社會學研究所碩士) (摘要) (全文下載)
An Overview of the Past and the Future of Female Climacteric / Chueh Chang (Institute of Public Health, National Taiwan University)、Fen-Lin Chen(Institute of Sociology, National Taiwan Universtity) (Abstract) (Full Text)