編輯報告 Words From the Editor
編輯報告 / 吳嘉苓(台灣大學社會學系 (全文) (全文下載)
研究論文 Research Article
性別與專業交織的照顧工作:特殊教育助理員的建制民族誌分析 / 黃綉雯(台南市政府社會局)、張恒豪(台北大學社會學系)、唐文慧(中山大學通識教育中心暨社會學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Carework in the Division of Labor of Gender and Professionalism: An Institutional Ethnography of Teachers’ Assistants in Special Education in Taiwan / Xiu-wen Huang(Bureau of Social Affairs, Tainan City Government)、Heng-hao Chang(Department of Sociology, National Taipei University)、Wen-hui Anna Tang(Department of Sociology, and Center for General Education, National Sun Yat-sen University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
照顧男子氣概與男性公務人員育嬰留職經驗 / 林東龍(高雄醫學大學醫學社會學與社會工作學系)、劉蕙雯(高雄市政府社會局婦女及保護服務科) (摘要) (全文下載)
Caring Masculinity and the Experience of Parental Leave for Male Civil Servants in Taiwan / Dong-Long Lin(Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work, Kaohsiung Medical University)、Hui-Wen Liu(Social Affairs Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government) (Abstract) (Full Text)
從意外到等待:台灣女性的初經經驗,1950s-2000s / 王秀雲(成功大學醫學系暨醫學、科技與社會研究中心) (摘要) (全文下載)
From Surprise to Anticipation: Girls’ Experiences with First Menstruation in Taiwan, 1950s-2000s / Hsiu-Yun Wang(School of Medicine, and Center for Society, Technology, and Medicine, National Cheng Kung University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究討論 Review Article
性別、族群與客家研究 / 蔡芬芳(中央大學客家語文暨社會科學學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Gender, Ethnicity, and Hakka Studies in Taiwan / Fen-fang Tsai(Department of Hakka Language and Social Sciences, National Central University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
書評書介 Book Review
與創傷同在:《紀念之外:二二八事件.創傷與性別差異的美學》書評 / 關秀惠(交通大學社會與文化研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)
Being with Trauma: Book Review on Beyond Commemoration: The 2-28 Incident, the Aesthetics of Trauma and Sexual Difference / Hsiu-Hui Kuan(Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University) (Abstract) (Full Text)