編輯報告 Words From the Editor
編輯報告 / 黃宗儀(國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系) (全文) (全文下載)
Words from the Editor / Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang (Department of Geography, National Taiwan University) (Full Text) (Full Text)
研究論文 Research Article
疾病自傳、影像與性別身體政治:歐美女性主義乳癌病友的敘事分析 / 鄭斐文(東海大學社會學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Autopathography, Images and Gender Body Politics: A Narrative Analysis of Euro-American Feminist Breast Cancer Patients / Fei-Wen Cheng (Department of Sociology, Tunghai University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究紀要 Research Note
孩子的運動、媽媽的勞務:臺灣「足球媽媽」的性別意涵 / 姜穎(致理科技大學休閒遊憩管理系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Children's Leisure Sports, Mother's Labor: The Gendered Meanings of the Taiwanese "Soccer Mom" / Ying Chiang (Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Chihlee University of Technology) (Abstract) (Full Text)
研究紀要 Research Note
懷孕治療師的心理治療工作 / 葉寶玲(國立屏東大學教育心理與輔導學系) (摘要) (全文下載)
The Behavior of Pregnant Psychologists while Providing Therapy / Pao-Ling Yeh (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Pingtung University) (Abstract) (Full Text)