研究論文 Research Article
是為少數者–工作內涵與工作生活素質,女性與工作研究上的一些回顧與芻議 / 徐宗國(中興大學社會系) (摘要) (全文下載)
WOMEN AS A MINORITY GROUP —JOB NATURE, QUALITY OF WORK-LIFE, A REVIEW AGENDA FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN AND WORK— / Tsung-Kuo Hsu(Department of Sociology, Chung-Hsing University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
女性主義者秋瑾 / 顧燕翎(交通大學共同科) (摘要) (全文下載)
CHIU CHIN, THE FIRST CHINESE FEMINIST / Yen-Lin Ku(Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
影響青少年社會行為的家庭因素 / 高淑貴(台灣大學農業推廣系) (摘要) (全文下載)
THE EFFECTS OF FAMILY VARIABLES ON THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENTS / Shu-Kwei Kao(Department of Agricultural Extension, National Taiwan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
性別與居住地在中國勞動力中扮演的角色 / Alice Goldstein(Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University)、Sidney Goldstein(Departmant of Sociology, Brown University) (摘要) (全文下載)
CHINA'S LABOR FORCE: THE ROLE OF GENDER AND RESIDENCE / Alice Goldstein (Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University)、Sidney Goldstein(Departmant of Sociology, Brown University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
性別,階級以及種族: 十九世紀的加拿大礦區研究 / Janet Henshall Momsen(英國University of Newcastle upon Tyne 地理系高級講師) (摘要) (全文下載)
婦女在西班牙農業中的角色變遷: 1962-1982農業普查資料分析 / 婦女在西班牙農業中的角色變遷: 1962-1982農業普查資料分析 (摘要) (全文下載)
THE CHANGING ROLE OF WOMEN IN SPANISH AGRICULTURE:ANALYSIS FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CENSUSES, 1962-1982. / M. Dolors Garcia-Ramon (Human Geography, Department of Geography, Autonomous University Of Barcelona, Spain)、Montserrat Solsona(Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona,Spain)、Núria Valdovinos(Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona,Spain) (Abstract) (Full Text)
宗教與中國婦女地位的轉換 / 鄧津華(美國哈佛亞洲區域研究碩士班) (摘要) (全文下載)
RELIGION AS A SOURCE OF OPPRESSION AND CREATIVITY FOR CHINESE WOMEN / Jinhua Emma Teng(Master, Regional Studies East Asia, Harvard University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
大學生對強姦受害者的態度研究 / 陳皎眉(國立政治大學教授)、藍采風(美國University of Indianaplois 行為科學系教授) (摘要) (全文下載)
COLLEGE STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARD RAPE VICTIMS / Jeaw-Mei Chen(Department of Psychology, National Cheng-Chi University)、Phylis Lan Lin(Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Indianapolis) (Abstract) (Full Text)
專題說明 Words From the Editor
Gender Differentiation in Political Discourse: A Case Study of the 1996 Taiwan Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election / 魏美瑤(東吳大學英文系) (摘要) (全文下載)
Gender Differentiation in Political Discourse: a case study of the 1996 Taiwan Presidential and Vice-presidential Election. / Jennifer M. Wei(English Department Soochow University) (Abstract) (Full Text)
主編的話 / 林維紅、成令方 (摘要)