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書名:Emma Goldman, Mother Earth, and the Anarchist Awakening
作者:Rachel Hui-Chi Hsu(許慧琦)
出版社:University of Notre Dame Press

Emma Goldman, Mother Earth, and the Anarchist Awakening的作者許慧琦為美國約翰‧ 霍普金斯大學歷史學系博士,現任政治大學歷史學系副教授。許慧琦著有《「娜拉」在中國:新女性形象的塑造及其演變(1900s~1930s)》(2003),2019 年出版了Emma Goldman(1869-1940)《無政府主義和其他論文》(Anarchism and Other Essays, 1910)中譯本,讓中文讀者更容易認識到Goldman 的思想。這本譯著似乎也預告了許慧琦後續關於Goldman 創辦的雜誌《大地之母》(Mother Earth, 1906-1917)的研究成果…

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Awakening the Transformative Spirit: A Book Review of Emma Goldman, Mother Earth, and the Anarchist Awakening

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I-Ying Chan (Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University)


變革精神的覺醒:評Emma Goldman, Mother Earth, and the Anarchist Awakening