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本文以臺灣省家庭計劃研究所第五次生育力調查資料(簡稱KAP V),首先以工業化因素和文化規範因素,針對一般親屬關係及偏女方現象的影響作模型檢定。然後再以多元類別分析(Multiple Classification Analysis),了解各變項對不同親屬關係類型的影響。
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Author |
Tsae-Show Tsay(Ph.D Condidate; Department & Graduate Institute of Sociology, National Taiwan University)
Abstract |
The impact of industrialization on various aspects in social life has been a main focus which many sociologists concern with. As the findings of western kinship reasearchers since 1950s and 1960s reveal, the changes of kinship relationship in modern societies affected by industrialization are reflected in the following phenomena:first, the eliminating interaction frequency between kins, second, the higher interaction frequency with matrilaternal affinals than with patrilateral kins, the former results in what Parsons calls “isolated nuclear family” ; the latter causes the asymmetric relationship toward matrilaternal affinals. Although Sweester (1968: 236) emphasizes the latter has nothing to do with western kinship norm but is the main character of modern industrial societies, many researches have noted a discrepancy between behavior and norm in terms of western bilaternal kinship norms in western societies. Therefore, in the article, the author will examine not only the impact of industrialization but the effects of normative factor on kinship behavior in Taiwan.
Our findings indicates, in the general kinship relationship, both industrialization and normative factors significantly affect the kinship behavior in Taiwan. Nevertheless, only the former has significant effects on the matrilaternal asymmetric relationship. Although normative factor indicated by ethnic group in Taiwan can not be used to explain variance of behavior toward matrilaternal kinship, it is the main source to explain interaction pattern in the general kinship. In Taiwan, mainlanders are the most active in kinship interaction no matter what kind the interaction type is; Hakka less and Taiwanese is the least.
In addition, the effect of various industrialization indicators on kinship behavior depends on the interaction type. First, in the general kinship relationship in Taiwan, the experience of nuclear family does not eliminate but forster the relationship of visiting, monetary exchange and emergency assistance between kins, the urbanization degree of residence has negative effects on monetary exchange and emergency assistance, migration has negative effect on visiting frequency, and monetary exchange correlate positively with the duration of migration but the emergency assistance negatively, the longer the duration, the more the frequency of exchange and the less the emergency assistance. The independence of living means indicated by occupation negatively correlates with the visiting frequency, but positively with monetary exchange and emergency assistance. Second, in the matrilaternal asymmetric kinship relationship, the urbanization degree, migration, the experience of nuclear family and independence of occupation all have positive effect on visiting frequency between affinals, the urbanization and migration happens negatively with monetary assistance and emergency assistance; the experience of nuclear family positive on emergency assistance, but negative on monetary exchange; so does the independence of occupation, positive on emergency assistance and negative on monetary exchange.
Keywords |
Kinship, Urbanization, Migration, Family structure, Means of production