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摘要 |

本文目的在於:以聯合國「消除一切對婦女歧視公約」(簡 CEDAW)相關條文為準,據以檢視經文化部審議通過之七項指定重要民俗文化資產的核心儀式內涵,有無違反性別平等項目,並提出適切調整建議。由文化部文化資產局提供七項指定民俗之核心儀式書面資料及相關影音資料,作為書面檢視之主要依據;由計畫主持人透過訪談保存團體及諮詢民俗與性別相關專家學者,針對指定民俗核心儀式對性別是否仍存有禁忌等事宜進行檢視,同時闡述其演繹變遷;進而根據前述檢視提出適切調整建議方案,所有的檢視與調整建議均以CEDAW 之規範為參考標準。本文之檢視與分析分別從「性別平等對待」及「性別歧視」兩大面向呈現;最後,針對指定民俗現存之性別不平等現象提出調整建議。

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Title |

A Gender Equality Review of Taiwan’s Cultural Heritages

Author |

Chin-Yen Chen(Department of Guidance & Counseling National Changhua University of Education)

Abstract |

This article aims to review the core rituals and their connotations for seven state-recognized cultural heritages as registered under the Ministry of Culture, in accordance with the gender equality principle of the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women” (CEDAW). The core rituals recorded in written, audio and video forms as preserved by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture, were carefully examined. Then the project team conducted interviews with seven preservation groups as well as experts on cultural heritage and gender issues for examining gender related practices and taboos. The interviews often ended with participants offering suggestions for future adjustments. This two-tier review process was analyzed along the dimensions of “gender equality” and “gender discrimination.” Finally, specific suggestions were made to eliminate gender inequalities and discrimination.

Keywords |

cultural heritage, gender equality

