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摘要 |
研究發現台灣會陰切開術運用可以分為五個時期:日治時期新式產婆會陰保護與舊式產婆會陰切開的對照期;戰後至七O年代美援對台灣醫界的影響期,威廉氏產科學可以視為會陰切開重要的論述來源;八O年代現代助產技術的宣稱,產科醫師佔據主要的發言位置;九O年代技術蓬勃期,產科醫師對於會陰切開術的肯定與堅持立場,出現在大眾期刊相關的文章中;2000 年以後會陰切開質疑期,助產學界人性化生產的訴求連結到對常規會陰切開的質疑。然而台灣產科醫界則有不同的看法,醫學院內醫學生婦產科教學上,並未採取實證結果,僅有少數邊緣的個案發展出與主流不同的自然產模型與生產概念。
關鍵字 |
Title |
Discourse Analysis of the Episiotomy Dispute in Taiwan’s Obstetrics Practice
Author |
Chia-Lin Tseng( Department of Family MedicineNational Taiwan University Hospital)、Chueh Chang( Institute of Health Policy and Management National Taiwan University)
Abstract |
The origins of medical discourses about the benefits of episiotomy can be traced back to the 1920s, when episiotomy slowly gained a wider acceptance in different societies. However, the 1990s saw a transformation of the debate, including the view that episiotomy should have been regarded as an important parameter for evaluating the quality of perinatal care. Yet, this concept has not been accepted by Taiwanese obstetricians. This paper therefore strives to shed some light on the evolution of episiotomy use in Taiwan through an analysis of the existing medical discourses.
In carrying out this research, the following methods and materials were utilized: archival analysis, examination of recent notes from medical school lectures, textual analysis of medical textbooks, newspapers, and public journals, review of communication in the obstetrics community, and a field study of a Taipei regional hospital. Compared with some other countries, it appears that majority of Taiwanese obstetricians are not affected by the latest obstetric transformation, partly due to the dominance of male obstetricians, institutionalization of childbirth, and delayed childbirth movement. The “high tech” values shared by a large number of physicians make them ignore the importance of restricted use of episiotomy, which is regarded as “low tech,” but “high art” procedure.
When reviewing the history of the formation and transformation of the episiotomy discourse, it is clear that the medical paradigm of childbirth continues to be medically centered. In sum, the obstetrical practice in Taiwan needs further scientific and psychosocial assessments, in order to allow for stronger focus of the medical community on women’s health and well-being.
Keywords |
episiotomy, childbirth, obstetrics, medical history, medical discourse, paradigm shi