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摘要 |
近年來,隨著資訊科技的發展,電腦網路(computer network)或網路空間(cyberspace)漸漸成為重要的行動與研究場域,但以網路空間中的社會行動為對象的研究,尚在起步階段;再者,許多關於網路空間的論述,多將「網路空間」與所謂「現實世界」一切為二,視前者為一均質的整體,無法就網路中的社會行動做較細緻的探索。本文即企圖以婦女運動的行動者為研究主體,透過兩個個案—女權上路新聞網(Womenet)與女性主義BBS站的比較,以質化與量化研究方法並用的方式,就其間發生的多個動員事件加以描述分析,企圖勾勒出現階段認同女性主義的行動者在網路中集結與動員的風貌。最後,我們也發現:網路確實為女性拓展了新的集結與動員場域,且不同的網路使用方式(例如電子郵件與BBS站),也大大影響了行動的結果。
關鍵字 |
Title |
Women’s Collection and Mobilization in Cyberspace
Author |
Lichun Li (Master student, Institute of Sociology, Taiwan University)
Abstract |
In these years, “computer network” or “cyberspace” has become an increasingly important field of social action and research. The purpose of this paper is to explore this new field, and to find the new strategies of women’s movement in “cyberspace”. Through the case studies of “Womenet” and “Feminism BBS – The Room of One’s Own”, we examine several key phenomenon of women’s movement in which computer network plays a crucial role.
We compare the form, the process, and the achievements of these actions, particularly those take place in cyberspace. We found that different computer networking strategies and forms of actions will produce different outcomes. We also found that computer network provide considerable energy for women’s collective action.
Keywords |
feminist movement, gender studies, mobilization, internet, cyberspace