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摘要 |

檢察官被期待是客觀中立的法律工作者,檢察官的工作環境也應該是無性別歧視的。很多人都會同意「檢察官的工作與性別無關」的說法。本研究就是要挑戰這個說法,擬從三個面向來探討。首先,由制度組織面檢視檢察官的工作,探討其制度中暗藏以男性工作者為中心的性別化工作內涵。其次,從組織文化面分析,檢查機構如何透過崇尚陽剛特質、貶抑陰柔特質的過程,建構了有利於男性的陽剛組織文化?陽剛的組織文化如何使女檢察官在與警察夥伴辦案時陷入困境?最後,從個人行動的面向來看,女檢察官面對與陽剛組織文化的張力,又如何以「管理性別」(managing gender)的策略來順從或反抗規範?本研究採取質性研究法,以個別深入訪談法(訪談資深與資淺檢察官女性5人,男性3人)和參與觀察法研究,研究結果歸納如下:



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Title |

Managing Gender:Female Prosecutors in Masculinized Organizations

Author |

Ling-ju Chuang(Tainan District Public Prosecutors Office)、Ling-fang Cheng(Graduate Institute of Gender Studies ,Kaohsiung Medical University)

Abstract |

Prosecutors are expected to behave objectively and neutrally, and workplaces are expected to be free from gender bias. Many people would accept the view that prosecutors’ work is gender irrelevant. To challenge this view, this paper explores gender-bias from the following 3 perspectives: (1) Institutional and organizational: to explore the work of prosecutors is male-centered. (2) Organizational culture: to scrutinize the dominance of masculine culture as constructed by privileging masculinity and devaluing femininity, and to examine how female prosecutors address difficulties when working with police; and (3) Individual action: to examine how female prosecutors adopt strategies of “managing gender” in accepting or resisting masculine norms as they experience the strain of masculine domination. The adopted research methods are in-depth interviews and long-term participant observation. This study enlisted 8 participants: five female and 3 male prosecutors in junior and senior positions. The findings are as follows:

Prosecutors’ work is very much gendered. Women’s bodies, reproduction, and sexuality are frequently subjected to surveillance, and their femininity is devalued and they become marginalized in the organization. Conversely, images of male bodies and masculinity are set as the norm; the domination of masculinity is institutionalized. The behavior and dress code of female prosecutors are easily trapped in a paradoxical state of being either too masculine or too feminine. Female prosecutors must learn to “manage gender” and to assimilate or challenge the masculinized organization. They adopt appropriate strategies according to specific situations to address various issues that create tensions between being a prosecutor and being a woman.

This research shows that prosecutors are working in an environment that is subject to gender inequality. Its culture is heavily male privileged and patriarchal. The term “managing gender” is introduced to detail the coping strategies adopted by female prosecutors to address the constraints of working in patriarchy but also masculinized organization, which is expected to enrich the concept of ‘doing gender’.

Keywords |

prosecutor, doing gender, managing gender, masculinity.

