作者 |

王順美(國立台灣師範大學環境教育研究所 )、周如芬(省立中壢家事商業職業學校)

摘要 |

 本研究目是以大慧調查法(Delphi technique),找出「理想的社區環保婦女」內涵,並發展「社區婦女環境教育目標」;另外探討發展過程中爭議點的意涵。本研究根據訪談及國外文獻探討,先發展大慧結構式問卷,並組成大慧調查小組,包括 28位專家,含環境教育、自然保育、婦女教育、女性學、社區教育、社會學領域及其環保經驗的婦女,進行兩回互動,挑選重要性程度在「重要」以上的選項。研究結果「理想的社區環保婦女」共有I2個敘述,「社區婦女環境教育目標」包括覺知領域2項,知識領域5項,態度領域8項,技能7項,參與領域3項。這些內涵與目標中以「加強社區婦女在生活中實踐環保」的重要性和共識性最高,以「社區婦女環境教育該不該涉入女性議題?」爭議最大,此與國際積極推動婦女參與環境議題的決策、規劃,削除婦女不平等的潮流有一段距離。

關鍵字 |


Title |

The Objectives and Controversy of Environmental Education for Women in the Community

Author |

Shun-Mei Wang (Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, Taiwan Normal University)、Ru-Fen Chou(Chung-Li Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School)

Abstract |

This research adopted the procedure of Delphi technique, and hoped to research the characteristics of female environmentalists, which can be used to help promote women environmental education program at community level in Taiwan. Through this process, twenty-eight experts in the fields of environmental education, women education, community and active non-governmental environmental group were selected to form a research panel. The result summarized twelve statements which could describe the characteristics of ideal community female environmentalist. Meanwhile, the panel reached consensus on twenty-five goals that environmental educators should focus on. These goals were related with increasing awareness, enriching knowledge, changing attitude, learning action skills and improving participation. Among these goals, teaching women to have lifestyle was agreed to be the most urgent one. But, he panel could not reach consensus on whether feminism issues should be part of education program. This is quite different from those advocated by the Agenda 21, that women should participate more during the process of planning and decision making, and deprived themselves from being exploited.

Keywords |

Environment, woman, community, education

