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世界上的大型精神、心理衛生專業組織,包括美國精神醫學會、美國心理學會與世界衛生組織,都將同性戀、雙性戀(lesbians, gays,or bisexuals)除病化,並主張同性戀取向本身不是病,強調轉化治療對同性戀者的負面影響(APA, 1975 , 2013 ; Cochran et al., 2014 )。我國諮商心理師公會亦發表公開聲明─諮商心理師不得視「同性戀」為病態,對同性戀者強加「修復治療」或「轉換治療」。然而,國內同性婚姻議題討論中,仍有宣稱應矯治同性戀性取向的聲音。本文整理目前對同性戀親密關係與家庭經營的量化研究成果,佐以相關研究發現,以增進一般社會大眾與學者對於同性戀族群的正確認識。

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Title |

An Overview of Intimate Relationships and Family

Author |

I-Ching Lee(Department of Psychology)

Abstract |

In recent years, there has been increasing public debate regarding marriage and adoption rights for lesbians and gay men. With this concern, this article reviews research findings on lesbians’ and gay men’s intimate
relationships and family functions in Taiwan and abroad. The purpose of this review is to increase understanding of lesbians and gay men both for the general public and for scholars. The current article targets three issues. First of all, lesbians and gay men are as willing and capable of establishing and maintaining long-term relationships and families as are heterosexuals. The tremendous pressures faced by lesbian and gay couples originate in the general public’s hostility and homophobia. Despite this, lesbian and gay couples are able to adopt flexible gender schemas in maintaining relationships and families. Secondly, children raised by lesbian and gay couples are as well-functioning as children raised by heterosexual couples (e.g., in self-knowledge, abilities, and performance, as well as parent-child relationship quality). Moreover, children raised by lesbian and gay couples are more flexible in terms of adopting gender roles, and are less likely to be limited by gender stereotypes. Thirdly, allowing lesbians and gay men rights to marry and to raise children could facilitate important Taiwanese values, such as maintaining long-term relationships and establishing families. More optimistically, when lesbian and gay families are viewed without prejudice, we may have the chance to learn more flexible gender schema, and to question the legitimacy of the old- fashioned male superiority over women rooted in the traditional Chinese culture.

Keywords |

psychological research, homosexuality, intimate relationships,

