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摘要 |
本研究的目的在於瞭解;臺灣婚姻暴力之本質,即其發生之頻率、嚴重性性質、過程及影響。除了以量的資料作結構性的分析,本研究同時以深度訪談(depth interview)的研究方法,以被毆婦女為主要訪談對象,來探討被毆者對其涉入之暴力婚姻的主觀知覺及認定,讓婚姻申互動內涵,與婚姻惡化之相關壓力及因素等,以及暴力的發生過程與其處理。
本研究樣本取自主動前來求助的55名被毆婦女(毆打組);以及96名志願擔任社會局義工的婦女(對照組)。本研究之資料來源,除了使用兩組所填的答的問卷外,研究者並就被虐婦女逐一進行深度訪談。 本研究顯示有婚姻暴力的家庭並非至來自低階層,毆打者的學歷從小學到研究所皆有,大學以上程度者佔30%,職業分布於公、教、工、商皆有,收入平均在3-5萬之間,其家庭結構大多數為小家庭,以2個子女的為最多。這些家庭的家中事務決定權大多出於丈夫;因此這些毆打者在家中是極為權威,值得注意的是,這些被毆婦女對其配偶日常生活內涵,個性卻並非很了解,感情惡化已經有一段時間了。
關鍵字 |
Title |
Marital Violence in Taiwan: The Nature, Process and Effects
Author |
Roda Chen(General Studies, National Tsing-Hua University)
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of marital violence in Taiwan ﹔the incidence rates, the pattern and the severity of violence, preciding events before violence , the process and its effects. In addition to using quantitative method of analysing data, the qualitative approach was used too.
The samples of this research were the fifty-five women (the battered group)who came looking for help, and the nighty-six women (the comparison group)who were volunteer workers of the Taipei Social Bureau.
The data of this research is based on the questionnaire filled by these two groups and the depth interview of the battered women.
The research shows that not all marital-violence family are from low socioeconomic level. The education degree of the batterers ranged from elementary school to master degree, and thirty percents of them are above bachelor degree. The family structure were mostly nuclear families with 2 children. In these families, these batterers were extremely dominant. It is worthy of noticing that these battered women did not understand well the content of daily life and the characteristics of their spouses.
Mostly these marital violence families appear to show violent behavior within one year︰ Marital violence usually began after the marrige went deteriorating, yet the deterioration of the marrige were most of the time related to the pressure from life. The most common pressures found in these families were, the spending of money, the husband’s having affairs, the problems of children rearing, the suspicion of the wives for their husbands.
When examining the pattern of violence, the research found that most of the time violence bagan due to a similar event or a certain situation (e.g. the spouses getting home late) The two sides began to argue, their process of interacting appearing stable, and they started to fight when they argued most outrageously. The using of hand as a way of violence is most common.
There are eighteen percent of them at the edge of death caused by the wound of the violence. There are obvious physical wound after the violence. Although the battered women are mostly physically hurt, most of them (44 of them) felt that the help they need most is helping them to recover mentlly.
Keywords |
Marital violence, System theory, The pattern of violence, The cycle of violence, Family structure