編輯報告 Words From the Editor
編輯報告 / 黃宗儀(國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系) (全文) (全文下載)
Words from the Editor / Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang (Department of Geography, National Taiwan University) (Full Text) (Full Text)
研究論文 Research Article
「誰」的課後照顧服務?親職外包鏈下的個體化育兒圖像 / 洪惠芬(東吳大學社會工作學系) (摘要)
Whose Afterschool Childcare Service? Childrearing within the Outsourcing Parenting Chain / Hui-Fen Hung (Department of Social Work, Soochow University) (Abstract)
研究論文 Research Article
「法式女性主義」的史家論戰與理解歷史的兩種方法:莫娜.奧祖夫的「歷史批判」和瓊.斯科特的「批判歷史」 / 秦曼儀(國立臺灣大學歷史學系) (摘要)
The Historians' Debate on "French Feminism" and Two Approaches to the Understanding of History: Mona Ozouf's "Histoire Critique" and Joan Scott's "Critical History" / Man-Yi Chin (Department of History, National Taiwan University) (Abstract)
研究紀要 Research Note
「讀書會」作為社群建立與行動之女性主義方法:集體自傳民族誌 / 于政民、李柏翰、林正揚、張竹芩、廖士婷、劉曉彤、賴玫均、謝雨純、簡瑞琪 (摘要)
A Study Group for Feminist Community-Building and Action: A Collective Autoethnography / Jheng-Min Yu, Po-Han Lee, Jheng-Yang Lin, Jhu-Cin Rita Jhang, Shih-Ting Liao, Hiutung Lau, Mei-Chun Lai, Yu-Chun Hsieh, and Jui-Chi Chien (Abstract)
書評書介 Book Review
評介楊芳枝《台流.華影:中國霸權下的台灣電視劇文化、性別與國族》 / 蕭蘋(國立中山大學行銷傳播管理研究所) (摘要)
A Review of Taiwan's Television Culture in the Era of Chinese Hegemony / Ping Shaw (Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University) (Abstract)