作者 |


摘要 |


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Title |

New Generation Female Taiwanese Directors and Queer Imagery: Cultural Practice and Gender Imagination

Author |

Ju-Ting Hsu (Department of Mass Communication, Hsuan Chuang University)

Abstract |

Queer imagery, as a field of gender negotiation and identification and body practices, has played an important role in the development of the LGBT movement in Taiwan. This research, emphasizing the Taiwan’s new generation of female queer film directors, takes an in-depth examination of the “queerness” and the practice of gender imagination in their works. Furthermore, this study attempts to contour a queer film history focusing on those female directors’ creative work. Through in-depth interviews and text analysis, the study found, firstly, that the history of Taiwanese women’s queer film is a recapitulation of the LGBT movement, reflecting queer culture in Taiwanese society. Second, the new generation of female queer film directors in Taiwan transformed queer identity through the process of creating identification that violated the dominant social gender framework. Moreover, they constructed a cultural logic of homosexuality/queerness and heterosexuality through narrative homonormativity; they also simulated a queer landscape in which homosexuality and heterosexuality are in constant juxtaposition. That is, the queer imagery of the new generation of female directors provides an imagination of a “queer sphere”, which is an alternative appropriation of the practices of everyday life. Finally, the new generation of female queer film directors has searched for the footsteps of queer pioneers, and intended to depict the heterogeneous history and life experience of past queer artists. With the above research objectives, it is anticipated that this study can provide a more diverse and complete discussion of queer imagery, and furthermore extend the inquiry into social practice and imagination of queer culture in Taiwan.

Keywords |

women's film, LGBT, queer, queer films

