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摘要 |
本文針對「一杯水主義」一詞溯本探源,考證並論證其倡導者並非傳言或訛語中的柯倫泰夫人(Aleksandra Kollontai, 1872-1952),而是出自蔡特金(Clara Zetkin, 1857-1933)回憶1920年秋天與列寧(Vladimir Lenin, 1870-1924)會晤時,列寧下達打擊共黨內瀰漫「一杯水理論」現象的指令。列寧請蔡特金等人組織和召開婦女大會,最後讓柯氏將大會決議寫成共產主義與婚姻性道德的共產黨員「綱領」。藉由梳理此詞的來龍去脈,本文試圖呈現1920、30年代在男性主宰話語權和領導權的帝國、黨國與民國世界中,「性」不僅是建/解構意識形態的政治議題,更是政治鬥爭的工具。隨後在不同時空下,經翻譯與傳播中刻意抹殺愛情的純粹性享樂標籤,抑或史達林主義下無性文化的笑話,皆容易導致女性淪為為集團而犧牲個體自我的工具,或者是被利用成為打擊對手的政治手段。「一杯水主義」的廣泛流傳事實上是父權話語從中作祟,誤讀、誤解和誤用導致的結果。
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Title |
Love Doesn’t Need Translation? The Misinterpretation, Misunderstanding and Misuse of “Treating Sex Like Drinking a Glass of Water” in the Patriarchal Discourse
Author |
Hsiang-Yin Sasha Chen (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Academia Sinica)
Abstract |
This paper traces the origin of the phrase “treating sex like drinking a glass of water” and argues that Alexandra Kollontai had never advocated it in her oeuvre. This term, however, originates from Clara Zetkin’s memoirs of her meeting with Vladimir Lenin in the autumn of 1920, when he condemned young comrades within the communist party for their view that satisfying sexual desires should be as simple as drinking a glass of water. This article articulates the social, historical, political, and literary context of transmitting or translating this term in the Soviet Union and China, attempting to show that it was used as a product of patriarchal hegemony to oppress not only Kollontai herself, but also the possible development of female consciousness and matriarchal power under the Communist system. The term is furthermore the result of misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and misuse of Kollontai’s writing.
Keywords |
Kollontai, Lenin, sex as a glass of water, matriarchy, Stalinism