作者 |


摘要 |


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Title |

Gender Politics and the Construction of Knowledge: A Discourse Analysis of Textbooks of Parenthood Education form Feminist Perspectives

Author |

Mei-Hui You(Graduate Institute of Gender Education National Kaohsiung Normal University)

Abstract |

This article is an attempt at examining textbooks of Parenthood Education from feminist perspectives. The researcher explores a widely used textbook and finds that these experts’ advices are depoliticized discourses and gender-blind.

The discourses on how to become good parents contains a persistent concerning legitimacy of an ideal patriarchal family type, i.e. the family pattern with a male breadwinner and a female homemaker. The author of this textbook reaffirms stereotyped gender division of labor is the ideal parenting style and depicts career women as the cause of social problems. By examining the textbook sentence by sentence, the paper also discursively analyzes the discourse of parenthood education as gendered knowledge construct and points out the limitation of its embedded patriarchal ideology.

Keywords |

parenthood education, feminist perspectives, gendered knowledge, experts' advices, textbook analysis.

