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摘要 |

 本文有二個目的,一是藉著追溯1950年代在台灣行醫的台灣本地與中國移台女醫師的教育與職業選擇的過程,藉著討論家庭影響個人所做的抉擇,企圖說明個人的教育與職業的選擇其實不是個人的選擇,而是受到當時的文化價值、性別關係、教育和職業制度的限制。另一則是呈現1930-1950在日治時代的台灣和戰亂中國的教育制度和醫師專業的性別關係特色,以及其與國家的關係;也就是藉著以一粒沙看世界的方式,呈現本世紀前半部西方醫學專業在台灣和中國形成過程中的性別關係。台灣第一位女醫師蔡阿信的求學經歷在本文中作為案例,以便具體說明。性別關係、醫師專業與個人的職業選擇三者的關係在日本殖民的台灣與戰亂的中國相當歧異,本文從四個方面探討並做比較:(一)國家與職業/專業的關係 (二)教育制度的性別/種族區隔 (三)醫師專業的聲譽和地位 (四)家庭中的性別關係。研究結果可以用來挑戰美國女性主義對職業與性別、種族關係的理論。

關鍵字 |


Title |

Gender, Medical Profession and Individual Choice: Educational and Occupational Choice of Women Doctors in Taiwan and China, 1930-1950

Author |

Ling-Fang Cheng(Graduate Institute of Gender Studies, Kaohsiung Medical University)

Abstract |

There are two aims of the article: one is to trace the trajection of education and professional choice of those women doctors who were either migrant from China or bone locally and both worked in Taiwan in early 1950. Through the discussion of familiar influence on individual choice, it argues that individual choice is not real individual choice but a results of the constraint of cultural values, gender relations and educational and professional systems. Another is to present the gender relations in education and medical profession and their relations with the states in Japanese colonial Taiwan and Warfare China. It means to view the macro-social relations from micro-social relations. The life story of Dr. Cai A-xin, the first women doctor in Taiwan, is to serve as the case. The triangle relationship among gender, medical profession and individual choice in Taiwan and China 1930-1950 can be analyzed from the following four aspects: (1) the relationship between the state and occupation/profession. (2) gender and race/ethnicity segregation in education system. (3) the reputation and status of medical profession. (4) the gender relationship in the family. The the findings is to challenge American feminist theory on occupation and gender/race.

Keywords |

Gender, state, medical profession, education system, educational and occupational choice, familiar influence, women doctor.

