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摘要 |

 女人的幸福快樂絕不是由婚姻來決定,也不是物質基礎所能保障的,而是必須立基在「自我」擁有一種獨立、平等、自主的意識型態及支持、尊重的自由氛圍,女人「奔放」、「愉悅」的生命力才可能在「婚姻」徹底顯現。凱特.蕭邦(Kate Chopin)在1899的《覺醒》(The Awakening)中深刻揭示女性在婚姻中的邊緣處境。女主角(艾德娜)在「妻職」、「母職」、「情慾」壓迫地位中不斷探尋「自我」,展現了堅毅、勇敢、顛覆的多樣面貌與無限可能性。


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Title |

Reflections on Wife, Motherhood and Female Sexuality from The Awakening by Chopin

Author |

Li-hui Peng(Kate‧Chopin, The Awakening, self, motherhood, sexuality, wife.)

Abstract |

The welfare and happiness of women are not absolutely determined by marriage, and can not be assured by materials as well. Instead, they must be on the basis of having the independent and autonomous consciousness, and supportive and respectful environment. Consequently, the gallop and pleasure of women’s life can then be completely presented. “The Awakening” written by Chopin in 1899s, profoundly discloses the marginal situation of women, Being in the position of oppressed wife, motherhood and sexuality under man. The major female role called Edan demonstrates the diversification and boundless possibility of perseverance, courage and overturn by continuously exploring the selfness.

This article aims at revealing the situation of wife, the experience of motherhood, and the possibility of pursuing sexuality. Additionally, it examines the inspirational and practical significance of Edan struggling between marriage battle- field and destined female character. The study intends to review the situation of wife, motherhood and women sexuality from the viewpoint of feminism. The abundant implication contained in the book of “The Awakening” is also promoting to awaken and lessen the unjustly female inequality.

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Graduate student,Department of Sociology,National Chengchi University

