作者 |
胡郁盈 (高雄醫學大學性別研究所)
摘要 |
本文以台灣中產階級都會女同志在同性情慾實踐與親子關係維繫之間的折衝與協商為分析對象,探討同志認同與原生家庭的動態互構與辯證關係,並指出在理解台灣同志主體之認同實踐時,「現身」單一視角的不足之處。首先由跨國性向(transnational sexuality)研究出發,回顧「同志現身」與「華人家庭」如何經由「現代」相對於「傳統」的框架,被預設為靜態的二元對抗關係,進而耙梳當代學者對於華人同志集體慾望「正常」的重新省思,指出華人同志協商家庭與認同的行動邏輯,不僅呈現家庭關係與親屬角色在形塑同志認同上不可或分的意義,也彰顯「常規」(normativity)的多元意涵與歷史變化。本文同時由女性主義視角切入,凸顯在高度性別化的華人父權家庭親屬結構中,婚姻壓力與女性親屬責任如何成為台灣女同志在橋接家庭與認同時的主要考量。奠基於這些學術討論,本文旨在探討台灣現代化歷程中,蓬勃發展的女性主義意識形態與家庭婚姻結構的劇烈變化,如何促使中產階級都會女同志基於其性別(女性)與親屬(女兒)角色而發展出獨特的家庭對抗與協商策略,並指出在此脈絡中,以「關係」互動(interactional)而非「現身」對抗(confrontational)的思維模式重新架構並理解同性情慾認同實踐與異性戀家庭規範之關係的可能性。
關鍵字 |
Title |
From Visibility to Relationality: Changing Socio-Gender Structure and Lesbian Parent-Child Negotiation in Contemporary Taiwan
Author |
Yu-Ying Hu (Graduate Institute of Gender Studies, Kaohsiung Medical University)
Abstract |
This article analyzes the ways in which middle class lesbian women in Taiwan negotiate parent-child relations. It focuses on the complex and dynamic relationship between their sexual identification and relations with family of origin in order to challenge the privileged status of the concept “coming-out” in understanding Taiwanese tongzhi identity formation. Starting with scholarship on transnational sexuality, this article first traces how “coming-out” and “Chinese family” are opposed to each other through binary dimensions of “global-local” and “modern-traditional.” This article is also informed by recent reflections on the collective desire of Chinese tongzhi for “being normal,” which not only displays multiple meanings of and historical transformation in family as a heteronormative institution, but also elucidates how tongzhi subjectivity formation is inevitably entangled with kin relations and responsibility. This article further highlights a feminist perspective, as gendered division in the Chinese patriarchal family makes marriage pressure and women’s changing kin responsibility and status the principle concern for lesbian women who wish to live their family life in concert with their sexuality. Building on this scholarship, this article intends to further explore how Taiwanese middle-class lesbians develop unique strategies of confrontation and negotiation according to their status of gender (woman) and kin (daughter). It emphasizes the possibility of understanding the relationship between lesbian identification and heterosexual familial norms through the framework of relational interactions instead of confrontational coming-out. This is placed in the context of drastic and continuous change in the social-familial structure in contemporary Taiwan.
Keywords |
coming-out, patrilineal family, marriage pressures, women's kinship roles, lesbian identification