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摘要 |

本文藉由研究網路交友平台上異性戀女性會員的自述,分析年輕世代的女性在虛擬社交空間的性別展演模式,以及其展演行動與當前有關女性主體性的言說力量之間所形成的引述及協商關係。在此,研究者援引性別展演(gender performative)和意義協商(negotiated meaning)的概念,做為言說分析和內容分析的經緯,檢視當代女性如何經由網路自我敘事中的言語行動,與傳統規範、女性主義論述和流行文化話語進行對話,以及這些對話如何構成性別展演行動的基礎。分析顯示,即使是片斷、尋常的言辭,均可能是某種性別言說的引述與體現。藉由自述中「關於自我之事實」的陳述性話語,女性交友者「宣稱」或「暗示」意欲展演的自我形象。研究也發現,傳統規範在女性角色上的規範力未消,利他、奉獻和照護者,仍是許多女性選擇展現的自我形象。然而,女性主義論述長年致力喚醒的女性意識逐漸生根,從女體、女質、女職和女性愛欲等言說交織點上,均可看到它對傳統規範的顛覆力量。同時,主要以大眾傳播媒體為中介的流行文化,已然成為年輕女性間的新霸權,重新形塑性別建構場域中的權力關係。

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Title |

Women’s Self-narratives and Gender Performatives on an Internet Dating Site

Author |

Yow-Jiun Wang(The Department of Taiwanese Literature National Cheng Kung University)

Abstract |

This paper looks into the narratives in the personal profiles of heterosexual female Internet daters, analysing the patterning of gender performatives in the virtual social space. It also shows how the performative acts cite and negotiate with current gender discourses. In so doing, the researcher appropriates the concepts of “gender performative” and “negotiated meaning” in building the theoretical framework of discourse analysis and content analysis, examining the ways in which younger women, via the speech acts in online self-narratives, develop dialogues with the traditional gender norms, feminisms and popular discourses, which underlie the performative acts. The results show that any piece of utterance, however fragmentary or ordinary it seems, could be citing or materializing a certain gender discourse. By virtue of making statements relating “the truth about one-self,” the female Internet dater claims or asserts the self-image she means to perform. It is also shown that a traditional gender norm is still governing the younger generation to some extent, especially in the aspect of female role; “altruistic,” “devoted” and “caring” are attributes commonly referred to. Nevertheless, local feminisms prove to be subversive to the traditional gender norm: as seen in the performative discourse, the female consciousness evoked by feminists is present across the nodal points of female body, femininity, female role, and female eros. At the same time, mediated popular culture has emerged as the new hegemonic force among the younger women and reconstituted power relations in the field of gender movement.

Keywords |

Internet dating, self-narrative, gender performative, negotiated meaning, discourse analysis

