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摘要 |

由於佛教主張「眾生皆有佛性」的平等思想,相較於世界上其他宗教「男尊女卑」[1]的教義與規範,較無明顯的性別歧視。但隨著1960年代第二波女性主義運動興起,歐美一些女性主義佛教學者開始關注佛教體制中的女權問題,例如美國學者葛羅絲(Rita Gross)在其《父權之後的佛教:佛教的女性主義歷史、分析、與重構》中,便廣泛探討佛教史與僧團中所存在的貶抑女性問題,指出南傳佛教出家女性無法受比丘尼戒、佛教史上女性地位的低落、「八敬法」、[2]大乘佛教經典對女身的貶抑……等議題。(Gross, 1992)近年來,台灣的佛教學界也不乏對這些議題的討論,[3]並舉出台灣尼師僧團的積極、入世經驗,[4]做為佛教性別平權的有力參照,也凸顯了台灣尼師僧團關懷、參與社會議題的特質。



[1] 如基督教的「天父」有明顯的性別指涉、回教對女性教徒的諸多限制等。

[2] 「八敬法」指佛陀特為比丘尼所制定尊敬比丘之八條戒法,包括百歲的年長比丘尼必須禮敬新受戒之年輕比丘、不管是非如何比丘尼皆不可舉發比丘過失……等,明顯帶有「男尊女卑」的歧視意味。八敬法的條文內容,在不同的小乘經典中稍有差異。

[3] 如釋恆清(1995)所著《菩提道上的善女人》,與釋永明(1997)所著《佛教的女性觀》,皆整理佛教不同時期對女性的看法,並以台灣性別平等的尼師僧團經驗作結;而釋昭慧(2002)撰寫的〈佛教與女性──解構佛門男性沙文主義〉一文,除了強烈抨擊「八敬法」的性別歧視,並主張台灣比丘尼僧團興盛的現況,乃佛教史上前所未有之佛門女權進展。

[4] 論者多以嘉義縣香光寺的尼師僧團為例,因香光寺由尼師組成,並無僧眾。如陳美華(2002)在〈另類典範:當代台灣比丘尼的社會實踐〉一文中,以香光、佛光、法鼓三教團和其他幾位比丘尼的田野訪談為例,探討台灣比丘尼僧團的發展狀況;丁敏(1996)在〈台灣社會變遷中的新興尼僧團──香光尼僧團的崛起〉一文中,也考察香光寺尼師僧團的現況。此外,也有一些碩博士論文關注台灣尼師僧團的現代經驗,如東海大學社會學碩士李雪萍(2000)的《台灣的比丘尼僧團及其不同的生命經驗:一個社會學的個案研究》,實地考察與評析阿含寺的尼眾出家生活;政大社會學碩士洪雅惠(2002)的《台灣佛教優婆夷之性別經驗:以四個人間佛教教團的優婆夷為例》,以台灣四個人間佛教教團:佛教弘誓學院、香光尼僧團、法鼓山與佛光山的在家女性(優婆夷)為主,探討她們在父權體制下所發展出的性別經驗,並討論性別經驗與佛教信仰實踐之間的關連。

[5] 為了與印度教的密續區隔,也稱做金剛乘。

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Title |

Religious Doctrine and Gender: the Changes of Women Status from Early Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism to Tantric Buddhism

Author |

Wan-Li Liu(Foreign language department, Huafan university)

Abstract |

Buddhist teachings expound that all sentient beings are endowed with Buddha nature, which indicates the concept of gender equality in terms of Buddhism; therefore, Buddhism seems less sexist than other world religions. But since the rise of the second feminist movement in the 1960s, Buddhist feminists have raised several women issues relevant to Buddhist institutions and history. In Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism, Gross surveys discriminative attitudes toward women in Early Buddhism, Buddhist scriptures, and monastic systems. Recently, some scholars of Buddhist studies in Taiwan have been aware of those issues as well, and tried to take the examples of Taiwanese nunneries as evidences of gender equality in Buddhism. This is especially true of Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism, which emphasizes the role of nuns and women in Engaging Buddhist Activities of modern society.

This paper is aimed to discuss the relationship between Buddhist doctrines and gender during different stages of Indian Buddhism—from Early Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism to Tantric Buddhism—to explore that Buddhist doctrines do influence the Buddhist views of women. That is, as Mahayana Buddhism established and developed gradually in history, the status of women in Buddhism had improved significantly and then got a huge, dramatic turn in Tantric Buddhism which represented Buddhist doctrine of equanimity fully. The discussion and analysis in this paper show that Buddhism is truly concerned with equality and impartiality, which indirectly reply to feminist critics of Buddhist patriarchy. Also, it reflects the interdependent tendency of the Buddhist view of gender which is plural, flexible, and updated with time and the audience.

Keywords |

Buddhist women, Buddhism, gender, view of women

