作者 |
黃宗儀 (國立台灣大學地理環境資源學系)
摘要 |
關鍵字 |
Title |
Conceiving Cross-Border Communities:Mobile Women in Recent Hong Kong Cinema
Author |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang(Department of Geography, National Taiwan University)
Abstract |
This paper argues that the possibility of geographical collaboration between China and Hong Kong is a major concern in recent Hong Kong cinema. The discussed Hong Kong films that are representative of the border-crossing issue are Hollywood, Hong Kong (2001), Crazy n’ the City (2005), True Women for Sale (2008), Night and Fog (2009), and Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (2011). The characters in these films can be placed into two categories of social allegorical meaning: beset manhood as a symbol of the local under siege, and “mobile women” from mainland China as the Other against which Hong Kong defines itself in relation to China. The mobile women who cross the border from China into Hong Kong serve as the figures of linkage for the films to redefine the imagined community of contemporary Hong Kong, acting as a rhetorical vehicle to articulate connections and contradictions between Hong Kong and China. From prostitutes to wives and mothers, the transformed images of Chinese women point to a closer and also more tension-ridden Sino-Hong Kong relationship. While reflecting collective anxieties, the films under discussion also entertain the possibilities of a new imagined community. The representations of Mainland professional women become the anchor for Hong Kong to imagine participating in China’s economic development. The contrast between male locals and female migrants thus constitutes the setting in which the Hong Kong audience can experience the possibilities of rejection, acceptance, questioning, and the confrontation of the challenges inherent in cross-border s, conjugal or otherwise. The seemingly banal gender ideology that assumes a dichotomy between China as the feminized Other and Hong Kong as a masculine subject brings about new narratives of border-crossing in response to the changing dynamics of capitalism development in Hong Kong and China over recent years.
Keywords |
Hong Kong cinema, Sino-Hong Kong relationship, Mobile Women from