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1920至1930 年代,日本統治下的台灣經歷現代化的洗禮。殖民地女性遭逢賢妻良母主義的現代轉型、女性自覺思潮的湧現、以及資本主義經濟對生活的衝擊。日治時期兩部女性雜誌《婦人與家庭》(婦人と家庭)和《臺灣婦人界》,作為殖民地女性現代生活的指南及提供資源的窗口,揭示了提升女性社會地位、打造新女性的目標。世界的聲響,是現代性對女性的召喚,代表一種普遍的文明女性理想。受到世界第一波女性主義運動以來自由主義和個人主義的感召,女性追求自覺與解放,擁抱現代物質文明,傳達走出家屋、進入社會、展望世界的期許。現代教養的訓練為不同階層出身的女性打造了文明階梯,鼓吹女性進入公領域成為典範。但這訴諸普遍標準的典範化過程,卻建立在對底層女性的凝視、差異化與排除之上。筆者藉女性主義學者Susan Stanford Friedman 的「身分地理」(geography of identity)概念,解析兩部雜誌的女性創作富含階級、地緣、文化差異的多重主體位置。在北野里子、大野倭文子、黃寶桃等女作家筆下,世界的聲響為女性帶來啟蒙的信念與自由的想像,但自由主義女性主義的理想卻也依文明優劣程度強化了他我之分,甚而突顯主流對邊緣群體的挪用和排除。現代性之於殖民地女性既是資源也是掠奪、既是解放又是壓迫的雙重面向,於此彰顯。

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Title |

The Voices of the World: A Feminist Reading of Women’s Magazines in Colonial Taiwan (1919-1939)

Author |

Wan-Ting Wang(Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature National Chengchi University)

Abstract |

From the 1920s to the 1930s, Taiwan under Japanese rule faced a whirlwind of modernization. Women in colonial Taiwan experienced the modern transformation of the “ryōsaikenbo” (good wives and wise mothers) system, the influence of the first wave of feminism and the impact of capitalist economy. This paper aims to investigate how women writers in Fujin to katei (1919 -1920) and Taiwan Fujinkai (1934 -1939 )responded to these transitions. “The voice of the world” was a compelling call for modernity, one which lifted up women’s self- consciousness,praised the imagined sisterhood, encouraged women to join in public spaces, and formed a universal paradigm for civilized modern women.However, this “universalizing” process was founded on the gaze upon subaltern women and the elimination of differences. With Susan Stanford Friedman’s concept of “geography of identity,” I will examine the dialectical encounters between different female subjects in women’s literary writings in the two magazines. In Kitano Satoko, Ōno Shizuko,Huang Pao-tao and other women’s works, the voice of the world brought about belief in enlightenment and the imagination of liberty, but this liberalist ideology also intensified the division between the majority and minority. This contrast manifests the double sides of emancipation and exploitation of modernity in colonial Taiwan.

Keywords |

Colonial Taiwan, women’s magazines, Fujin to katei, Taiwan Fujinkai, new women, modern girl, Huang Pao-tao

