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Title |
Whose knowledge gets taught in elementary teacher education? Gender bias in college textbooks on Chinese language teaching.
Author |
Jau-jiun Hsiao(Department of Elementary Education,National Hualien Teachers College)
Abstract |
In this content analysis study, I explore the treatment of gender in seven textbooks on Chinese language teaching, widely used in elementary teacher education colleges. In general, these textbooks focus on teaching techniques and assume a-gender/ a-contextual stance. Female contributions in literature are mostly ignored. Among those rare examples concerning woman experience, sexist stereotypes prevail. In reading education, these college textbooks totally disregard vast majority of prior research on elementary school textbooks which often criticized their over representation of patriarchal ideology. In addition, these college textbooks directly use many examples from elementary school textbooks, without problemtizing their contents. In speech education, how male/female power relationship affects people’s speech behavior receives no attention. In composition education, emphases are on how to teach and evaluate students’ writings. How these writings reflect students’ gender socialization is left unnoticed. To demonstrate how Chinese language teaching can be a site for gender equity education, I propose the concept of critical literacies and present several examples to disrupt sexism in reading, speech, and composition education in preservice teacher education and also in elementary schools.
Keywords |
textbook, gender study, teacher education, Chinese language education, content analysis