女學學誌 第52期

女學學誌 第52期

出刊日期: 2023-06

  • 編輯報告 Words From the Editor

    編輯報告 / 黃宗儀(國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系) (全文) (全文下載)

  • 一般論文 Research Article

    照顧趕工:當「專業化」遇上「能力」——以長照機構為例 / 李韶芬(國立清華大學社會學研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)

    “Making Out” in Care of the Elderly: When Professionalization meets Capability in the Context of Long-Term Care Institutions / Shao-Fen Lee (Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University) (Abstract) (Full Text)

  • 研究紀要 Research Note

    女行、履行、旅行:天理教臺籍女佈教師返回原地的經驗 / 邱琡雯(南華大學國際事務與企業學系) (摘要) (全文下載)

    Women's Mission, Fulfillment, and Travel: The Experience of Taiwanese Female Tenrikyo Missionary Returning to the Ojiba / Shwu-Wen Chiou (Department of International Affairs and Business, Nanhua University) (Abstract) (Full Text)

  • 研究紀要 Research Note

    連結與跨越:台大女研社的成立、運作與轉型 / 畢恆達(國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所)、洪文龍(美國羅格斯大學婦女與性別研究學系)、陳志軒(國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)

    Linking and crossing: Establishment, operation and transformation of the Women's Studies Society, National Taiwan University / Herng-Dar Bih (Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University), Wen-Lung Hung (Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University), and Chih-Hsiuan Chen (Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University) (Abstract) (Full Text)

  • 書評書介 Book Review

    科技治理的女性主義介入:評論Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction / 曾凡慈(中央研究院社會學研究所) (摘要) (全文下載)

    A Feminist Intervention in Technological Governance: A Review of Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction / Fan-Tzu Tseng (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica) (Abstract) (Full Text)

科技治理的女性主義介入:評論Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction