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摘要 |

本文以從屬者研究作為理論視角,探詢台灣原住民族女性主體研究的困境,並尋求超越之道。本研究針對原住民族電視台《Spi’ 向前走:部落夢想家》系列作品中12 位原住民族女性之經驗進行分析,探究她們如何在部落進行社會性運動,展現其從屬者主體性。本文以「回復幼時溫暖記憶」、「向耆老請益以重建文化空間」、「集體共振文化智慧」、「復育人與土地的關係」、「成為傳統領袖與巫師」、「文化傳承與推廣」等六個子題,以呈現節目中原住民族女性之文化行動內涵。本文進一步帶入「原住民性」的概念,探討她們的行動、文化視野以及主體性如何對「以西方為中心」的女性主義提出後殖民批判,挑戰學界對於原住民族女性的書寫與理論化。研究發現顯示:本研究中的原住民族女性主體挑戰西方女性主義論述中「種族與性別」、「傳統與現代」的二元對立思維。她們在後殖民處境下運用原住民族思維,在現代生活中再創原住民族生活方式。她們的夢想行動重新變革性別關係,活出另類解放生活方式,指向更美好的未來;她們融合了過去、現在與未來,將消逝中的原住民族集體文化意識顯化至當代日常生活。最後,本文論證,《Spi’ 向前走:部落夢想家》的原住民族女性主體運用從屬者思維挑戰既有權力矩陣,她們文化行動是積極地在日常生活中活出原住民族生命,踐履「原住民性」,實踐解殖民女性主義!

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Title |

Living out Indigenous Dreams: Subjectivities of Indigenous Women in the TV series “Spi’ Forward: Tribal Dreamers”

Author |

Chin-Ju Lin (Graduate Institute of Gender Studies, Kaohsiung Medical University)

Abstract |

This paper utilizes subaltern studies as an approach to investigate current research on subjectivities of Taiwan indigenous women. This research focuses on experiences of twelve indigenous women activists who engaged in cultural revitalization, presented in the Taiwan Indigenous TV’s series “Spi’ Forward: Tribal Dreamers.” Six themes emerge to describe their subaltern subjectivities. They include: “Remembering the warm memories of childhood,” “Consulting elders to reconstruct cultural space,” “Resonating collective cultural wisdom,” “Restoring the relationship between peoples and the land,” “Becoming traditional leaders and shamans,” and “Transmitting and promoting cultures”. I further explore how their actions and subjectivities present a postcolonial critique of Western feminism. I employ the concept of “indigeneity” to challenge western feminist writing and theorizing of indigenous women, especially the dichotomies of ‘race and gender’ and ‘tradition and modernity’. I argue that actions of indigenous women merge the past, the present and the future. They preserve the fading collective cultural consciousness of indigenous peoples through everyday life in modern times, transforming current gender relations, living out alternative and liberating lifestyles, and leading to a better future. I argue that the active resistance of the indigenous women as subaltern subjects in “Spi’ Forward: Tribal Dreamers” is to practice “indigeneity”, to live out indigenous dreams, and to practice decolonial feminism!

Keywords |

Subaltern subjects, postcolonial feminism, indigenous women, decolonial feminism, indigeneity, gender and race


活出原住民族生命:《Spi’ 向前走:部落夢想家》之原住民族女性主體探究